Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Animal Cruelty In Trouble?

In a recent blog post on Scotus blog, or Supreme Court of the United States blog, states that an animal cruelty law passed by congress nearly 10 years ago may be considered to vague and unconstitutional. The case in question is Us vs Stevens. I personally think that its immoral that they are even considering repealing this law. I can understand how its somewhat unconstitutional to ban video as it is freedom of speech/press, but when the videos involve things such as dog fighting, and "crush videos" videos of small animals being stomped to death, i am truly sickened. I believe that any animal in possession of someone or even not in possession of any one has the right to life like we do. While im not condoning hunting or the killing for meat, as thats a necessity for life, but stomping on small animals? I mean really. The lack of morals i continue to see this great country i live in continues to amaze me.

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