Thursday, October 1, 2009

Birthers and Glenn Beck challenged from the Inside

My hind-sight bias is telling me i should have seen this coming. And i am probably right. As posted by Mark Silva on, Senator Lindsey Graham is calling out both the Birthers and Glenn Beck as fringe elements of his party. Towards the Birthers, he a little lenient, calling them just crazy, but he lays into Glenn Beck, poking fun of his on air antics by saying

"Only in America can you make that much money crying"

Even going on further to say...
"Glenn Beck is not aligned with any party...He is aligned with cynicism and there has always been a market for cynics. But we became a great nation not because we are a nation of cynics. We became a great nation because we are a nation of believers."
I truly believe it takes guts to call out people associated with your party, especially one in such turmoil as the Republican Party. Hopefully these kind of incidents can continue and the Republic Party can soon restore itself to what it was in the Pre-Bush era.

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