Friday, January 8, 2010


People right-of-center continue to amaze me. Dr. Richard Swier, , a proclaimed conservative called the 3d extravaganza Avatar a tool for recruiting eco-terrorist.....Really. He goes on to say..

"AVATAR is pure eco-propaganda designed to subtly and not so subtly force the environmentalist agenda on us all. The story line in AVATAR is simple: Humans invade the pristine planet Pandora with the intent to take all its natural resources for profit."

I cant really say anything else than stop taking everything literally. Enjoy the movie you payed an absurd price to see and stop throwing useless accusations into it. I doubt James Cameron meant it to be taken anymore than entertaining.

Community Sevice...

While my current community service project is in the process of being worked out, i have narrowed down what my topic will be on. Im planning on using my community service project to relate to our current health care trouble for those who can't afford it. Being either the poor or elderly, this problem is something i believe everyone can be apart of to fix, and hence i am choosing it as my community service project. Hopefully i will have something concrete soon.

Unemployment Woes....

Andrew Sullivan linked to an interesting article on The Atlantic about the national unemployment rate during the month of December. 85,000 jobs were terminated during the month of December, worse then what many believed would happen. The article paints both a good and bad picture of this situation. The good news is this...
"First, November's wonderful news may, indeed, have been just a blip. However, you could still draw a pretty nice trend from December 2008 through December 2009. If this progression continues, then 2010 should show some actual job growth before too long."

While the bad news is shown in the picture above. Disgruntled workers nearing a million could spell even more trouble for our fragile economy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jack Cafferty on Obama and Health Care

While i agree with what Mr.Cafferty said here, theres no reason to rip Obama and the democrats apart for something like this. It seems every major news organization just has to tear apart this administration for something, and while yes, we should have the health care debates televised, going out and proclaiming it like this is completely wrong. Lets just hope his anger will be for nothing and the debates will be shown to the public.

Holding Our Colleges Accountable

I was reading on and i came across this interesting article. Kevin Carey, a member of the think tank Education Sector, comes out blasting our current college system and whether it really is up to stuff. The most interesting thing he said in his interview was

"Sure, every college is different in some way from its peers, but I would defy anyone to explain to me the difference between Indiana University Southeast and Indiana University Northwest. They're like the same thing, basically. They all teach the same classes by and large — business, engineering, education. These are the classes that college students actually take. Very few people are studying 5th century Chinese calligraphy. So colleges are not as different from one another as they would like people to believe."

As a senior looking into whether college is a good choice or not, its disquieting to her this news that the years of debt i might incur threw tuition for the same classes just really doesn't appeal to me. I think its time that either a watchdog group or even the government starts to call out these universities.